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How to Use Affirmations For Money Without Feeling Like A New Age Flake

Manifesting and The Law of Attraction have only become MORE popular over the last decade, despite nay-sayers who’d LOVE to see the last copies of The Secret tossed into an active volcano or how many pitch-fork toting Evangelical Christian YouTubers have called it ”demonic.”🔥

It’s ALMOST like there must be some truth to it, isn’t there?! 😉

Not that I would know, as I only manifested a dream job within 24 hours after QUITTING one I hated.

Or the time I manifested self-employment within just 4 months after removing a mental block and setting a fresh intention. 💥

I’m not driving a pink lambo or rolling in piles of cash (yet!), lol.

But I have enough personal success with manifesting exactly what I set out to manifest to feel like I know a thing or two about it.

I know that the reason I experienced success with manifesting came down to a few basic Law of Attraction/Assumption (whoever you heard it first from, doesn’t matter what you call it) RULES:

  • I believed in the non-metaphysical benefits of intentionality, foremost
  • Positive thinking, gratitude, having a growth mindset and an obsession with self-improvement are a way of life for me. If you tell me that you love Wayne Dyer or Tony Robbins, I’ll ask you what books of theirs you’ve read rather than make you feel like a cringy ghoul.
  • I’ve been a diary writer since age 11, so I actively practice ”scripting” or writing out both what I’m grateful for & what I desire. My diary sessions are like electrifying dopamine-drug hits for me.
  • You don’t manifest something you want if you’re BLOCKING it by holding on to a belief or something that doesn’t align with your desire.
  • ”Everything happens for a reason” is my motto. *FIGHT ME*🤘

So to gather up all that I’ve learned about manifesting, I wrote a 10-part newsletter called Money Manifesting Witchcraft.🪄💸

Each newsletter goes into detail on how to manifest, followed by a list of affirmations for money.

Here’s a snippet from each newsletter on HOW to make affirmations for money work for you, followed by just a few of the affirmations I list in the newsletters.

You don’t get what you don’t think about: The Power of Delusional-Level DAYDREAMING

In Money Manifesting Witchcraft #1 I go into detail about one of the core tenants of manifesting: belief in possibility.

”As above, so below” is at the very heart of the ancient Hermetic principles, one of the origins of belief in manifesting.

It means that if your consciousness is stuck in identification with only the physical side of reality, the only way to manifest anything is going to be through physical action.

You’re going to have to work your ass off for it! 😰

But if you elevate your consciousness to a higher level, aligning it with the needs of your soul, something remarkable happens…

Manifestation begins to flow naturally and effortlessly.

How do you do that?

You listen to what inspires you. 🌟

So I encourage delusional-level DAYDREAMING + affirmations for money:

  1. I welcome divine inspiration into my life & am listening and watching for what inspires me.
  2. It is POSSIBLE for financial prosperity to flow to me effortlessly and consistently.
  3. Every day, I am learning how to become more financially secure and abundant.
  4. I am grateful for the wealth that is constantly entering my current life & more is POSSIBLE. 
  5. My life is a reflection of my CHOICE  to see my life as abundant.
  6. I am attracting opportunities that increase my financial prosperity

Gratitude: The Deal Breaker or Maker of Your Dreams

Next up in Money Manifesting Witchcraft #2 I go into why gratitude is a manifesting non-negotiable.

It’s the energetic fuel for manifesting.

But feeling grateful about life when you drive a 20-year old car, hate your boss, and can’t get your lazy, tightwad landlord to fix the bathroom faucet can be hard AF.

So I go into detail about HOW to access gratitude despite all that.💩

Here are a few of the affirmations for money around feeling grateful:

  1. I am deeply grateful for the financial blessings I currently have and those that are on their way to me.
  2. Every day, I express gratitude for my growing financial prosperity, even if it’s just mental wealth at the moment.
  3. I am thankful for the steady income that supports my comfortable lifestyle.
  4. My gratitude for my wealth attracts even more abundance into my life.
  5. I am grateful for the FREEDOM to pursue my passions and dreams.

Affirmations For Crafting a New, Loving & Committed RELATIONSHIP With Money

In the third Money manifesting Witchcraft newsletter, you’ll learn why having a loving relationship with money is important.

You need to know what a loving relationship with money looks like and how to feel it.

You also need to understand what unhealthy habits may be blocking money from coming to you!

Some affirmations for money that can TEST how you feel about money include:

  1. I CAN be rich.
  2. I believe there is nothing WRONG with wanting to be rich.
  3. I believe there is nothing SELFISH about wanting to be rich.
  4. I do not believe people who have a lot of money are automatically EVIL
  5. I LOVE money.

Affirmations For Money After Removing Blocks

Over the next 3 issues of Money Manifesting Witchcraft, 4-6, I cover common BLOCKS to manifesting.

Scarcity and fear in #4.

A misaligned money-identity in #5.

And #6 is about your true money ambition – and any guilt you may be feeling around how much you deserve or desire it!

It’s important to CLEAR these blocks before you can successfully manifest money.

  1. I am willing to make the sacrifices needed to have money in my life.
  2. I am COMMITTED to my relationship with money.
  3. Money is a positive, important, & wonderful thing to have in my life.
  4. I have a loving, connected, & supportive relationship with money.
  5. I help money grow & money helps me grow. 
  6. I love and DESERVE money in my life.
  7. I deserve to enjoy all the THINGS that money can buy.
  8. I deserve every OPPORTUNITY life presents to me to enjoy the things that money can buy & I invite more opportunities to enjoy them into my life. 
  9. I am worthy of all the money in the world simply for being alive.
  10. Money doesn’t give AF how I grew up – money only cares about how I feel about it NOW, which is loving, caring, & respectful.
  11. The more money we have, the more good we can do in this world.
  12. Money is awesome, in the right hands of people who give AF about other people/the planet/animals
  13. Millionaires have the power to help MILLIONS of people. Billionaires have the power to help BILLIONS of people.
  14. It’s not BAD to have money. Money doesn’t care who you are.
  15. Having money allows us to do GREAT things for each other.

Affirmations For Calling Money In

Once you’ve identified and cleared the most common blocks, you’ll then need to practice calling money in.

These are consciousness-raising practices that help align your inner experiences and thoughts with your outer experiences.

And the most powerful of all, IMHO?


Inspiration is true divine inner guidance.

We ignore what inspires us at our peril!

But HOW do we learn to listen to that inner guidance and take ACTION from what inspires us?

That’s what I cover in detail in Money Manifesting Witchcraft #7 and #8.

The affirmations for money in these two newsletters are aligned to specific types of guidance you may receive once you begin to actively call money in.

  1. I clearly envision abundant wealth flowing into my life with ease and joy.
  2. I hear the music of abundance guiding me toward financial success.
  3. I feel the energy of wealth and prosperity surrounding me, filling me with confidence and assurance.
  4. I trust my inner knowing that I am financially abundant.
  5. I am confident in the sudden insights and ideas that lead me to create wealth.
  6. I release the need to control the timing of my financial abundance.
  7. I am patient, knowing that money flows to me at the perfect moment.
  8. I believe in divine timing and trust that everything is unfolding as it should.
  9. I let go of any anxiety around money and trust that it is already on its way to me.
  10. I trust that the Universe knows exactly how to bring me the financial success I desire.

Affirmations For Accessing Gratitude on a Deeper Level

Once you begin to deepen your manifesting practice, you’ll learn that feeling gratitude is not about simply writing a list of things you are thankful for, but an active feeling-state of elation, awe, and inner peace.

Accessing gratitude on a daily – even hourly basis – can turbo-charge your ability to manifest anything into your life.

It’s this practice that most people get wrong about manifesting, as they may struggle to truly embody the feeling of gratitude.

You can’t think money into your life – you have to feel it.

That’s what the affirmations for money in Money Manifesting Witchcraft #9 are all about: electrifying feelings of gratitude.

This is the thing about manifesting that makes you feel SO good, you’re able to stop caring so much whether it’ll ”work” at all – it’s already given you the wealth of an inner peace you didn’t have before!

  1. Every moment of my day holds a hidden treasure; I choose to see and appreciate it fully.
  2. I recognize the abundance in the small, everyday details that surround me.
  3. I am blessed with the creativity to transform what I have into what I desire.
  4. My current circumstances are perfectly aligned with my journey toward greater fulfillment.
  5. Each day, I uncover new blessings in the familiar aspects of my life.
  6. The energy I give and receive in my daily life supports my growth and manifestation.

Expecting Money MIRACLES! 💫

The beautiful thing about manifesting is that your belief in its power will strengthen as the things you manifest begin to show up in your life.

I find this can happen in ebbs and flows…

For a few weeks I’ll experience a flood of synchronicities, signs, and ”lightbulb” inspiration moments.

When this happens, I feel like I am actively being guided along, and everything feels in flow.

Every person, thing, and event feels connected and meaningful.

Life feels rich, fulfilling, and supportive of my goals and intentions.

Then, when life feels out of whack for whatever reason – maybe because I stayed up too late scrolling TikTok, ate a garbage pub meal and drank too many glasses of shiraz, I stop receiving guidance.

It’s not that the universe isn’t sending any signs, it’s just my conscious awareness of them has shut down.

The thing is, we are always manifesting something, whether we’re aware of it or not.

But when we are aware – we can discover true miracles all around us.

Because, in essence, conscious awareness IS a type of miraculous experiencing.

It’s a deeper experience of everything around us – a kind of savoring of the taste of life!

In the final Money Manifesting Witchcraft (season 1) newsletter, that’s what I cover: How to EXPECT money MIRACLES!

  1. I am a magnet for money miracles, and they flow to me effortlessly every day.
  2. I live in the joyful expectation that the universe is always bringing me financial abundance.
  3. I trust that all the money I need comes to me in perfect timing, often in miraculous ways.
  4. I act with confidence, knowing that financial abundance has already been granted to me.
  5. My life is a continuous stream of financial blessings, and I welcome each one with gratitude.

Ready to craft a Hexotic AF INTENTIONAL lifestyle that manifests MONEY and SUCCESS?🪄🔮

If you want to practice these affirmations in a systematic, meaningful way, join my Money Manifesting Witchcraft newsletter.

You’ll get an in-depth explanation of all the principles I mentioned above, plus twice as many affirmations for money in every issue.

It’ll help you get clarity on what TF you want in your life and start a daily manifesting ritual to amp up alignment!

Sign-up below if you want to get RITUALISTIC with your daily manifesting practice!👇

Swan Logo and Cheers from Christine with kisses & hugs.