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What is GrooveFunnels and how has it become the fastest-growing funnel builder of recent times? ๐Ÿช„๐ŸŒช๏ธ๐Ÿค”

Sick of paying for a dozen software subscriptions?

Of using Zapier and other complicated integrations to make sites talk to each other?

Want to replace your shitty, basic Wix, Squarespace, or ShowIt monthly subscriptions...for free? (and not like ''trial'' free but like REALLY FREE FOREVER AND EVER until you're like WOW, I WANT TO UPGRADE BECAUSE THIS SHIZ IS MAGIC!!''

Yes?? Maaaaayyybeee? Well, listen in because I pinky promise there IS NO CATCH here - it's for real.

I was an EARLY BIRD investor in GrooveFunnels when it hit the marketing world in 2020 and now, 4 years later, here's my complete Groovefunnels review after all the BETA bugs have been zapped!

This GrooveFunnels review will include an overview of what GrooveFunnels, what you can do with it, and who should use it.

Iโ€™ll also briefly compare Groovefunnels to its closest competitors to help you decide if this is the right product for you.

So if you're wondering whether Groovefunnels is worth it, this GrooveFunnels review may help you decide.

After spending months searching for sales funnel tools for my own digital products, I finally chose GrooveFunnels.

GrooveFunnels is the fastest-growing funnel-building platform right now and for good reason.

So what is all the hype about? Well, before we venture into what makes GrooveFunnels so awesome, let's define what a sales funnel is for any marketing noobs here...

What is a Sales Funnel and Why is it SO dang Important?

Unless your ears zip up when they are exposed to online marketing chatter, you have most likely heard of sales funnels before.

A sales funnel is essentially a visual representation of your ideal customerโ€™s journey from learning about your brand all the way to clicking the โ€œbuy nowโ€ button.

It's in the shape of an actual funnel, wider at the top and much narrower towards the end. Your leads start off at a higher number and reduce significantly towards the end.

Eventually, only a fraction of leads convert into buyers

A sales funnel turns your website visitors and social media followers into email subscribers. Then it turns email subscribers into customers or clients. It does this by using marketing strategies such as lead magnets, email campaigns, chatbots, webinars, and landing pages.

For instance, blog readers can sign up to become email subscribers, and then, through a nurturing email campaign, some email subscribers would join a free webinar that then leads to a sales page where a percentage becomes customers.

Groove Funnels Review 2024 by Hexotica
source: keap.com

As illustrated on the diagram above, the funnel transports the customer to the next step in their buyerโ€™s journey from not knowing about you at all, to becoming aware of you, considering your product and ultimately deciding and taking action to buy from you.

Essentially, a good sales funnel is like having an ass-kicking sales team working for you 24/7 for almost free!

Because of this, sales funnels have become an invaluable part of online business.

And to make things simple, companies like GrooveFunnels step in and automate the entire process for you!

Complete GrooveFunnels Review - 2024 UPDATE!

GrooveFunnels is an all-in-one funnel-building tool that makes selling digital products and services online easy and effortless.

When I say GrooveFunnels is all-in-one, it really is. Groovefunnels offers a big suite of tools from email marketing and creating an SEO-rich blog to using an integrated digital calendar and hosting evergreen webinars for your products.

Also, GrooveFunnels offers plenty of tutorials and resources to get you going in building your online business, including content marketing strategies and conversion copywriting techniques.

Another exciting feature of GrooveFunnels is that you don't even need a product to sell when you sign up! GrooveFunnels has a great affiliate marketing program where you can earn between 20-40% commission!

What's especially impressive about the affiliate product is that it links you to your referral for life. Therefore, whenever someone is redirected to the website through your affiliate link, the personโ€™s affiliate ID is hardcoded to your ID for life!

GrooveFunnel Suite of Tools ๐Ÿ”ง

Groovefunnels also offers EVERYTHING you need for marketing and collaboration tools. These include planning tools, email scheduling, built-in analytics, and fun lead magnets like quizzes.

Here's an overview of the key products offered by GrooveFunnels:

GroovePage: This tool allows you to build landing pages, websites, and sales funnels with an easy drop-and-drag interface and a ton of fancy templates.

GrooveSell: This tool makes selling digital products, memberships, and subscriptions and taking payment online easy through a secure payment gateway.

GrooveAffiliate: You can set up your own affiliate or referral programs here. Great for newsletters and digital course creators!

GrooveMember: This tool provides a CMS for your membership program allowing you to create and manage your membership site easily. I've built all my digital courses on it and I LOVE how easy it is to use.

GrooveVideo: Upload and host your videos by using this tool- no third-party sites are required!

GrooveQuiz: Quizzes are a great (and fun!) way to build your email list and receive feedback on your program.

GrooveBlog - Yep, write SEO blog posts here.

GrooveKart - Replaces Shopify for you to sell an entire inventory of products on. I'm building a digital art print shop on it!

GrooveMail - A complete Email Service Provider that can replace Active Campaign or ConvertKIt for automation, sequences, and dare I say, beautiful customization options *chefs kiss* Sign up to my email below this post and you'll see what I mean!

Who created GrooveFunnels?

GrooveFunnels Review 2024 by Hexotica
source: groovefunnels.com

The CEO of GrooveFunnels is Mike Filsaime, an expert in the digital marketing industry, online marketing educator and consultant.

Mike is behind some well-known digital marketing tools in the market, such as WebinarJam, EverWebinar, Kartra, DealGuardian, EvergreenBusinessSystem, PayDotCom, as well as Butterfly Marketing.

His experience came from founding Kartra with the late great Andy Jenkins, a legend in the marketing industry.

How much is GrooveFunnels?

Ok, so this is where things get HOT because the clever way Groove is designed to get you HOOKED is to give the option of several of their apps FOR FREE.๐Ÿ”ฅ

Start GrooveFunnels for FREE!

The Basic plan of GrooveFunnels can easily have you covered for your online selling needs. This plan comes with unlimited pages and funnels with all the essential features, all for free!

AND AND AND you build these free pages - your ENTIRE WEBSITE - on YOUR OWN CUSTOM DOMAIN.๐Ÿคฏ

IKR? I didn't believe this was possible but I tested it out for myself as this year I've started releasing courses teaching people how to build complete sales funnels on Groove.

So while I've built my marketing mentorship website on my paid version of Groove, I needed to make SURE that the free version did everything it says it could.

And it does!

No credit card is required no trial period for a limited time, and no pushy promotional pop-ups.

The Groove Pages and Groove Sell apps are 100% free. WOW, right?

So if you just need a basic website, landing pages, or funnel, why would you pay for Wix or a monthly software?

Get on Groove and get it for free! If you use my link to sign up, I'll help you learn how to use it, too. I've got several Groove training courses in the works.

Also, you can use one custom domain on the free version, forever and ever. Groove does most of the DNS record-setting for you. (SO good for tech-phobes and noobs, ja?) ๐Ÿ˜‰

You will still get access to many of the other tools GrooveFunnels has to offer and can join the affiliate program as well.

Overall, the free plan is of incredible value that no other competitor is offering right now!

Upgrade to Lifetime Deal

Ok, so the sad news is that you may have missed out on the GrooveFunnels Platinum Lifetime Deal that I grabbed like the manic bargain hunter that I am, but it does come back from time to time.๐Ÿ˜ญ

Last I saw, they ran it over Christmas in 2023.

If you see it again, YOU MUST GET IT.

It'll be the best marketing investment you ever made, I promise.

But if not, it's still a stellar deal when you add up all those monthly subscriptions you'll be able to cancel, from your shitty basic website, Kajabi, Email Service Provider, Shopify, Thrive Cart - just a few I cancelled when I snagged the beta version!

Go and do the math and check out their pricing.

As of the time of updating this review, they are offering a $42 a month special deal.

Who should use GrooveFunnels?

GrooveFunnels is the fastest-growing sales funnel tool right now and its growing popularity is not limited to any specific industry.

It's ideal for tech-phobic beginners who just want a basic website as well as for advanced Marketicians who want to build multiple funnels and an eco-system of digital products, optins, courses, webinars - you name it.

Freelancers who are considering selling online courses to scale their business can take advantage of Groovefunnels email, video and webinar tools.

Creative entrepreneurs can also enjoy this tool when selling their products online with integrated payment gateways and tracking systems.

Finally, affiliate marketers and bloggers can take advantage of GrooveFunnels impressive lifetime affiliate program!

Most Popular Alternatives to GrooveFunnels

I did a lot of research before choosing GrooveFunnels and there were 3 main alternatives that I found.

The 3 alternatives I looked at are Clickfunnels, Kartra, and Kajabi. These 3 options drew my attention as they are probably the most popular ones amongst online coaches and creative entrepreneurs.

At first glance, these alternative tools appear to be very similar to GrooveFunnels but a closer look shows some quite obvious differences. As part of this GrooveFunnels review, I'll share how they compare, in a nutshell:

ClickFunnels vs GrooveFunnels

Possibly the biggest competitor on the market with a long track record of happy customers, ClickFunnels has established itself as THE funnel-building tool to get.

However, ClickFunnels offers limited features as you do not get access to the extensive tools that GrooveFunnels offers, and you certainly can't get started on making money on it for FREE.

There WERE a lot of bugs with Groove in the first year while it was in BETA, but all of those bugs have been fixed now. So be careful about what dates any hate on Groove was written - it is running smoothly now, in late 2024.

ClickFunnels on the other hand is more expensive and over-hyped (especially by the ''funnel hacker'' brand-chasing marketing bros.๐Ÿ™„

Sign up for both and decide for yourself.

Only ONE will be free forever to learn and grow on until you earn enough to pay the premium subscription.

Kartra vs GrooveFunnels

Kartra and GrooveFunnels differ mostly on their user experience. Choosing one of the two really comes down to personal choice, similar to picking an Android phone over an iPhone.

Because of this some people find that Kartra has a steeper learning curve and is not as user-friendly.

Also, Kartra does not offer any free subscription, only a 30-day trial and then a starting price of $119/ month.

One thing to note is that the co-founder of Kartra is also the CEO of GrooveFunnels. So, we don't doubt that they are both amazing products!

Kajabi vs GrooveFunnels

If you are an online coach or course creator, you've probably been recommended many times to pick Kajabi to sell and host your course. That's because Kajabi has been specifically designed to do exactly that!

While Groovefunnels allows you to sell both digital and physical products, Kajabi is designed to sell digital products only.

So you don't get an e-commerce shopping site like Shopify in the Kajabi mix, but you do on Groove.

Also, Kajabi does not offer A/B testing, integrated calendars or ticket systems to track complaints - all features that are available on GrooveFunnels.

In terms of interface, Kajabi is very user-friendly and offers a world-class e-learning experience to teachers and students. Kajabi pricing starts at $119/ month.

Get GrooveFunnels - and get my personal help!

Picking a funnel tool can be a tough decision when launching an online business. But GrooveFunnels makes that decision slightly easier with their ridiculously attractive price point and suit of tools they have on offer.

I personally stand by my decision of choosing it as I believe it is the best fully-integrated marketing platform out there right now!

So if you DO sign-up using my affiliate I will personally reach out to you (as I'll receive your email address) and let you know what free trainings and affordable courses I have to share to help you build.

I'd love to help you learn to use this Jaguar of marketing software to build your online empire!

HONEST GrooveFunnel Review Time - So what are the DOWNSIDES? ๐Ÿง

Ok, so no review is complete without some honest CONS, right?

Here's what I've found:

GrooveMail - You don't want to use the Groove free mail server because it's been corrupted by spammers, so you'll need to set up your own SMTP server like SendGrid.

My delivery rates are perfect BUT I wish I had stayed with Active Campaign for juuuuust a little longer as I lost quite a few of their bells and whistles when I moved to Groove.

Specifically, I still can't set sequence emails to fire off on specific days of the week or times - YET - Groove has promised that feature is coming. ๐Ÿคž

I ALSO cannot see where my subscribers are at in my sequences like I could on Active Campaign. That's annoying, but not a huge deal.

So if you are an advanced Marketician when it comes to email, just hold tight before you jump to GrooveMail.

But if you're a noob cygnet, go ahead and get started building your list with it - you'll be able to grow with it as more features are added.

GrooveFunnel Review BURNING QUESTION: But how's the customer service???๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

SUCH an important question!

Honestly, it was pretty SHIT in the beta days. The trainings were exhaustingly long-winded, mostly done by a guy with a thick accent, and boring AF too (sorry David!).๐Ÿ’ฉ

But these days? DREAM service levels, 100%!

And there are a lot of marketers like myself creating free, easy-to-follow tutorials and helpful content on how to use it.

The AI chatbot is like having a virtual tech assistant on call and I use it a LOT. I LOVE IT!!

And for anything the AI can't help me with, I've found the customer service via email has been super fast, courteous, and helpful.

There is also a very active free Facebook community that's incredibly helpful and supportive as well.

I never feel lost, befuddled, or like I want to smash my keyboard when I use Groove these days. ๐Ÿ˜…

I hope this Groovefunnels review has guided you in making an informed decision for your business.

If you have plans to grow your business far beyond just e-courses and want an all-in-one tool that allows you to build websites, do affiliate marketing, create automated email campaigns, run webinars and much more, I highly recommend going with GrooveFunnels.

GrooveFunnels offers a far better free plan to building websites and selling unlimited products compared to its competitors.

Ready to launch your online business? Try GrooveFunnels for free now!

Ready to learn advanced marketing strategies the FUN & EASY way? ๐Ÿช„๐ŸŒช๏ธ

Join The Creative & Unconventional Marketician newsletter and discover strategies for sales and marketing through real-life audit examples.

I'll show you how to audit and tweak your website, social media platforms, and sales funnels to earn MORE online! ๐Ÿ’ธ

Iโ€™d love to help you transform from an aspiring online entrepreneur to a social media sales funnel marketician!

Sign-up below!๐Ÿ‘‡

Swan Icon & Cheers from Christine xoxo